16 research outputs found

    Electronic Records Management System Adoption Readiness Framework for Higher Professional Education Institutions in Yemen

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    Electronic records (e-records) are used to provide proof of organizational activities. E-records are crucial in complementing business functions, essential tool to assess organizational performance and are the core of good governance. E-records in Higher Professional Education (HPE) institutions contain valuable information in running the education business in an efficient and effective manner, supplying services consistently and in supporting effective performance evaluation and decisions. There are serious consequences and risk awaiting when the administrators of HPE are not based on information contained in e-records in making decisions. Well-informed decision makings would thus be impossible if electronic records are not efficiently and effectively managed using system. Therefore, Electronic Records Management System (ERMS) is an effective and efficient tool to hinder such a problem. Voluminous electronic records are created every day in HPE. The record keepers inclusive of records managers, archivists, administrators and IT personnel, who are the people essentially involved in creating, maintaining and preserving the contents of the e-records.  Thus, these personnel participatinginthe records keeping should identify the readiness of the HPE institutions to adopt ERMS. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to investigate the readiness of the Yemeni HPE institutions to adopt the ERMS. The study involves interviewing 20 specialists from Yemeni HPE institutions who are involved in ERMS. The findings showed that in order to promote effective ERMS readiness in the HPE institutions, there should be a framework to be used as guidance in such process

    Electronic records management in schools: the case study of School Examination Analysis System

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    Many initiatives have been taken to improve the efficiency of teaching and learning (T&L), administration, and management in schools using various ICT systems. Despite continuous training and exposure to undertake T&L activities and management, comprehensive practices on the principles of electronic records and information management (ERIM) at schools still faced many challenges. This paper presents a proposed framework for ERIM implementation using ICT-based systems in schools incorporating ERIM elements, including ICT skills for teachers, improved ERIM knowledge among teachers, enforcement of policies, acts and guidelines, and continuous training. The paper also discusses a case study finding regarding an ERIM implementation, problems in a School Examination Analysis System (SEAS), ICT skills, knowledge and skills of teachers. This study applies a quantitative approach using a survey technique for data collection. A total of 350 questionnaires were distributed to five Malaysian primary public schools and the response rates are 62.85 percent (220 forms). The study found that almost all teachers have good ICT skills but the knowledge and skills of teachers in ERIM were at a moderate level. Most teachers were unaware of acts, policies and guidelines related to ERIM. This study is expected to assist the Ministry of Education in drafting guidelines for the implementation of ICT based system in schools to enhance the efficacy of T&L, administration and management according to ERIM principles

    The Implementation Guidelines of Digital Document Management System for Malaysia Public Sector: Expert Review

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    Digital Document Management System (DDMS) is a system adopted by the Malaysian Public sector for managing documents and records. Despite giving many benefits, the adoption of the system is still below satisfaction. A guideline should be in place to accelerate the adoption rate of such a system. Accordingly, a guideline for DDMS implementation is proposed as was suggested in a previous study involving 439 DDMS users by the same authors. The proposed guidelines consist of 6 main factors which are: system capability; implementation policy; security, training; awareness programs, and top management/team members (colleague) supports. This paper aims to verify the content of the proposed guidelines in order to seek for its suitability in the Malaysian public sector context. Data was collected via a face-to-face interview with four panels of experts (practitioners) who have vast experience in DDMS implementation. The finding thence confirmed and verified the content of the proposed guidelines. The proposed guidelines is expected to assist the DDMS implementation team especially the three leading agencies such as the Malaysian Administrative Modernization and Management Planning Unit (MAMPU), Chief Government Security Office (CGSO) and the National Archives of Malaysia (NAM) in coordinating and planning for the implementation of DDMS initiative at the agencies level vis-a-vis increase the level of user adoption. This guideline also can be used as a reference to develop a detailed DDMS implementation policy by the committee and the project team

    Pengurusan rekod elektronik di bahagian governan dan pentadbiran, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

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    Peningkatan penggunaan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi (TMK) dalam pengurusan seharian semakin ketara. Ini kerana, pengguna berpendapat bahawa teknologi dapat memudah kerja dan sekali gus mampu meningkatkan kualiti kerja. Namun begitu, kebanyakan institusi pengajian di negara maju berhadapan dengan masalah pengurusan rekod walaupun sistem pentadbiran telah ditambah baik. Pengurusan rekod elektronik masih tidak diberi penekanan oleh kebanyakan universiti sama ada dari segi kebolehcapaian ataupun perlindungan rekod yang dicipta. Cabaran pengurusan rekod elektronik selaras dengan perkembangan teknologi yang pesat pada masa kini adalah genting dan memerlukan universiti mengadaptasi perubahan dengan pantas supaya rekod diurus dan ditadbir secara berkesan, cekap, dan berintegriti. Kajian ini dijalankan bertujuan mengenal pasti tahap kesedaran dalaman terhadap pelaksanaan pengurusan rekod elektronik dan mengenal pasti faktor kelemahan pengurusan rekod elektronik di Bahagian Governan dan Pendtadbiran (BGP), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah kajian tinjauan melalui teknik instrumen borang soal selidik. Seramai 19 responden terlibat dalam kajian ini. Kajian mendapati tahap kesedaran terhadap pelaksanaan rekod elektronik di BGP masih berada pada tahap sederhana. Antara faktor kelemahan pengurusan rekod adalah kerana tidak memahami konsep rekod dan kepentingan rekod, kesukaran untuk mengklasifikasikan rekod sedia ada, tidak ada infrastruktur yang lengkap, dan kakitangan rekod dan teknologi maklumat tidak bekerjasama dalam menjaya dan melaksana pengurusan rekod elektronik Hasil kajian diharap dapat membantu agensi awam, pihak BGP terutamanya dalam meningkatkan usaha ke arah pengurusan rekod elektronik yang lebih cemerlang

    Penerimagunaan sistem pengurusan dokumen dan rekod elektronik: protokol pembangunan instrumen dan kesahan kandungan menggunakan nilai ketetapan kandungan

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    Aplikasi sistem pengurusan dokumen dan rekod elektronik (SPDRE) diakui dapat memberi impak positif kepada pengurusan dokumen dan rekod organisasi. Bagaimanapun, sistem ini belum dapat digunapakai secara optimum kerana penolakan dalam kalangan pengguna khususnya dalam sektor awam. Penerimagunaan sistem dipengaruhi oleh faktor yang dikenal pasti yang kemudiannya dijadikan elemen dalam pembangunan model penerimaagunaan yang dicadang. Model perlu disah mengguna instrumen soal selidik. Sehubungan itu, kajian ini bertujuan membangun sebuah instrumen soal selidik yang berwibawa dengan mengikuti protokol pembangunan instrumen yang ketat. Kesahan kandungan soal selidik dilaksana mengguna pendekatan kuantitatif iaitu nisbah kesahan kandungan (NKK) melibatkan 9 orang pakar terpilih berdasarkan kriteria yang ditentukan. Pada awalnya, sebanyak 83 indikator tersenarai, namun selepas kesahan kandungan dilakukan, sebanyak 7 indikator ditolak dan hanya 76 indikator diterima. Instrumen yang dibangun dan dinilai dapat menguji model penerimagunaan SPDRE yang dibangun dalam kajian ini manakala model yang dibangun dapat pula diguna pakai oleh organisasi dalam sektor awam bagi mengukur tahap penerimagunaan SPDRE

    Improving the decision-making process in the higher learning institutions via electronic records management system adoption

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    This is an accepted manuscript of an article published by KSII in KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems on 31/01/2021, available online: http://itiis.org/digital-library/24232 The accepted version of the publication may differ from the final published version.Electronic Records Management System (ERMS) is a computer program or set of applications that is utilized for keeping up to date records along with their storage. ERMS has been extensively utilized for enhancing the performance of academic institutions. The system assists in the planning and decision-making processes, which in turn enhances the competencies. However, although ERMS is significant in supporting the process of decision-making, the majority of organizations have failed to take an initiative to implement it, taking into account that are some implementing it without an appropriate framework, and thus resulted in the practice which does not meet the accepted standard. Therefore, this study identifies the factors influencing the adoption of ERMS among employees of HLI in Yemen and the role of such adoption in the decision-making process, using the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) along with Technology, Organization and Environment (TOE) as the underpinning theories. The study conducts a cross-sectional survey with a questionnaire as the technique for data collection, distributed to 364 participants in various Yemeni public Higher Learning Institutions (HLI). Using AMOS as a statistical method, the findings revealed there are significant and positive relationships between technology factors (effort expectancy, performance expectancy, IT infrastructure and security), organizational factors (top management support, financial support, training, and policy),environmental factors (competitiveness pressure, facilitating conditions and trust) and behavioral intention to adopt ERMS, which in return has a significant relationship with the process of decision-making in HLI. The study also presents a variety of theoretical and empirical contributions that enrich the body of knowledge in the field of technology adoption and the electronic record’s domain

    A model to adopt enterprise resource planning (ERP) and business intelligence (BI) among saudi smes

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    Objective of the study: This paper touched upon the major issues that are related to intention towards the use of ERPBI in the Saudi private sector – Saudi Arabia is an example of a developing country Methodology / approach: This paper used a qualitative approach and the sample of the study comprised of 30 experts from the Saudi private sector, who were involved in ERPBI. Originality / Relevance: According to prior studies in literature, there is no specific model that supports and explains ERPBI, and as such, this increases the chances of ineffective adoption and use of ERPBI. This study found that ERPBI adoption models are lacking, and those that exist are inapplicable as they exclude several significant factors for successful adoption. Main results: The findings indicated that for the promotion of the ERPBI model, the entire significant factors have to be considered and incorporated. Those factors are: system quality, service quality, and information quality factors, change management, effective communication, training factors, clear vision and planning, competitive pressure, and government role. Theoretical / methodological contributions: This study’s results open door for future research based on the gap in theories applied and the factors investigated in the context of developing nations. Social / management contributions: Shedding light on the factors and their relationship with ERPBI use success would assist top management in minimizing losses through system use for enhanced cash flow, and improved performance of employees and that can eventually bring about the overall performance of the organizationObjetivo do estudo: Este artigo abordou as principais questões relacionadas à intenção de uso de ERPBI no setor privado saudita - a Arábia Saudita é um exemplo de país em desenvolvimento Metodologia / abordagem: Este trabalho utilizou uma abordagem qualitativa e a amostra do estudo foi composta por 30 especialistas do setor privado saudita, envolvidos no ERPBI. Originalidade / Relevância: De acordo com estudos anteriores na literatura, não existe um modelo específico que suporte e explique o ERPBI e, como tal, aumenta as chances de adoção e uso ineficaz do ERPBI. Este estudo constatou que faltam modelos de adoção do ERPBI e os que existem são inaplicáveis, pois excluem vários fatores significativos para uma adoção bem-sucedida. Principais resultados: Os resultados indicaram que para a promoção do modelo ERPBI, todos os fatores significativos devem ser considerados e incorporados. Esses fatores são: qualidade do sistema, qualidade do serviço e fatores da qualidade da informação, gerenciamento de mudanças, comunicação eficaz, fatores de treinamento, visão e planejamento claros, pressão competitiva e papel do governo. Contribuições teórico-metodológicas: Os resultados deste estudo abrem portas para pesquisas futuras baseadas na lacuna das teorias aplicadas e dos fatores investigados no contexto das nações em desenvolvimento. Contribuições sociais / gerenciais: esclarecer os fatores e sua relação com o sucesso do uso do ERPBI ajudaria a alta administração a minimizar as perdas por meio do uso do sistema para aumentar o fluxo de caixa e melhorar o desempenho dos funcionários, o que pode eventualmente influenciar o desempenho geral da organizaçãoObjetivo del estudio: Este artículo abordó los principales problemas relacionados con la intención de utilizar ERPBI en el sector privado saudí: Arabia Saudita es un ejemplo de país en desarrollo. Metodología / enfoque: Este artículo utilizó un enfoque cualitativo y la muestra del estudio fue compuesta por 30 expertos del sector privado saudí, que participaron del ERPBI. Originalidad / Relevancia: Según estudios previos en la literatura, no existe un modelo específico que respalde y explique el ERPBI y, como tal, esto aumenta las posibilidades de adopción y uso ineficaz del ERPBI. Este estudio identificó que faltan modelos de adopción de ERPBI, y los que existen son inaplicables ya que excluyen varios factores importantes para una adopción exitosa. Resultados principales: Los hallazgos del estudio indicaron que para la promoción del modelo ERPBI, se deben considerar e incorporar todos los factores significativos. Esos factores son: calidad del sistema, calidad del servicio y factores de calidad de la información, gestión del cambio, comunicación eficaz, factores de capacitación, visión y planificación claras, presión competitiva y papel del gobierno. Contribuciones teóricas / metodológicas: Los resultados de este estudio abren la puerta para futuras investigaciones basadas en la brecha de las teorías aplicadas y los factores investigados en el contexto de las naciones en desarrollo. Contribuciones sociales / de gestión: Aclarar los factores y su relación con el éxito del uso del ERPBI ayudará a la alta dirección a minimizar las pérdidas a través del uso del sistema para aumentar el flujo de caja y mejorar el desempeño de los empleados, lo que eventualmente puede influir en el desempeño general de la organizació

    Polisi pengurusan rekod elektronik dalam sektor awam di Malaysia

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    Polisi merupakan satu dokumen penyataan tentang kaedah tindakan yang dipilih daripada beberapa alternatif oleh sesebuah organisasi dengan tujuan untuk memberi panduan dan menentukan keputusan semasa dan akan datang. Pengurusan rekod elektronik harus berpandukan polisi yang jelas, lengkap dan mudah kerana polisi dapat membantu hala tuju organisasi serta menentukan keberkesanan fungsi yang dilaksanakan. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kewujudan polisi dalam sektor awam di Malaysia khususnya dalam pengurusan rekod elektronik. Selain daripada itu, pihak yang bertanggungjawab membangunkan polisi tersebut dan juga sumber rujukan yang digunakan turut dikaji. Kaedah tinjauan menggunakan teknik soal selidik. Sebanyak 25 buah jabatan kerajaan di sekitar Lembah Klang dan Putrajaya dijadikan sebagai sampel kajian. Kajian mendapati tidak semua jabatan kerajaan mempunyai polisi pengurusan rekod elektronik terutamanya polisi yang lengkap, mudah dilaksanakan dan jelas. Sebahagian besar jabatan kerajaan yang ditinjau menggunapakai polisi yang disediakan oleh MAMPU dan Arkib Negara Malaysia, tetapi mengubahsuai polisi tersebut mengikut keperluan masing-masing. Sebahagian jabatan kerajaan yang lain tidak mempunyai polisi sama sekali. Jabatan ini melaksanakan pengurusan rekod elektronik mengikut inisiatif dan cara masing-masing tanpa panduan